❶When a passenger complains at you because his seat doesn't recline on a full flight you...
ⓐSmile, empathise and liaise with the purser to get him a seat in J/C
ⓑYou tell him that you are sorry and ask your supervisor to fix it
ⓒYou tell him that the flight is full and that he might have to be sitting there for the next 14 hours
You offer your help (我能做的就是才試一試按鈕,大力的嘗試把椅背降下,通常乘客見狀覺得我有盡過力,都不會再為難我,因為明知飛機起飛了,是沒有人懂修理的。) although inside you think there are more important things in life rather than a broken seat.(後面那一句絶對的贊同,大家明白嗎?)❷When you land in New York for the 12th time you..
ⓐGo out for drink with your team, it's always good to have a laugh
ⓑIf somebody rings your room, you won't pick up the phone cause you're simply not interested
ⓒPay the internet connection in the hotel and ask for room service
Grab the crew list and organise something with the ones you like(有buddy當然找對方談談天,一起吃飯啦,一個人悶在房間好沒趣啊。但如果話不投機半句多,那...我只好看電視、打機、做facial、沖個泡泡浴..)❸If you see a passenger abusing a collegue you
..(這是絶對不可以原諒的事,我們都是打份牛工吧了,請記謹,大家是乘客不是皇上,我是服務員不是奴僕。)ⓐPrefer to make 'blind eye' cause you don't like getting into troubles
ⓑFind a way to make him understand that you have are the authority on that plane and that he has to respect you both
Tell him that he's wrong and that every human being diserves respect(這是當然要做的事,你我都是平等的,雖然廣告裏乘客都被塑造成大少爺、大少姐。)ⓓMake a joke about the situation and try to get away by laughing or by making him smile
❹Your best memory of a flight is one where...
ⓐPassengers were really good looking
ⓑYour team went out all toghether
You felt the team was all fighting for the same cause(大家同心一起做事,不單有效率,工作進行得順利,心情也會開朗不少。)ⓓThe destination of the layover was really good
❺In the future you would like to..
I'd like to stop flying to move onto a new more exciting career(我喜歡飛行,但我更想知道自己仍有其他能力嗎?)ⓑBe a Purser and fight for the rights and regulations of the cabin crew
ⓒI will never work for an airline again
ⓓKeep on doing my job
∩_∩ You are talented and charismatic.( YEAH)Others think of you as a real talent in anything you do in life.(
真的嗎 ? 可是為什麼我不覺得呢 ?) Although sometimes you wonder if you've taken the right path in life working for an airline,(
對,現在正在疑惑中。) there are a lot of unforgettable experiences and memories that you will take with you anywhere you go
.(都有的,例如:在飛機上的人生百態、因為飛行才有機會去的地方、工作中認識的朋友、一個人飛來往去的獨立。) Sometimes you're not sure if you've chosen your job or if your job has chosen you
,(當初是自己心甘情願,帶著非常興奮的心情當空服的。) You have to keep going until the experience you are in stops being challenging (
說真的,飛機上的工作千篇一律,唯一不同的只是每次航班上不同的搭客,不同的機組人員。)and you feel like moving to the next level of your life.